To improve the quality and volume of work, investors began to think about investing in AMR. A lot of famous canned food began to study the payload level of the system and its requirements. Before contacting this system, you need to be aware of the speed of reading data and whether AMR can be functional in an active human society.

1. Payload. Needs and solutions

A very important factor, if not the most important, is the payload level of the technology. It is from this indicator that it is necessary to make a start when working with a certain robot. For example, some automated machines are ideal for moving heavy loads in large volumes, while others will be useful for handling lighter materials. Therefore, before choosing a robot, consider all its characteristics and compare it with the amount of work that will need to be performed in your production. Take into account the payload level and then you can select the ideal option for you.

The larger the dimensions of the automated robotic system, the higher the coefficient of its load. A huge robot will not be able to cope with tasks in a cramped room, it will be problematic for him to move, or it will be completely impossible. Sometimes, a workflow requires multiple AMRs to be more productive without losing a high payload.

2. Features of work productivity

To successfully introduce robotics into your production, you need to find out if a certain type of automated machine is right for you. To do this, you need to study all its characteristics and find out in what processes it will be useful. First of all, you need to be aware of all the subtleties of the work that you want to transfer to the robot. An important factor here is the need for a certain bandwidth. Considering all these factors, you can not only create ideal working conditions but also improve productivity. In the long term, it would be quite rational to think about even more integration of robotics into the workflow. Focus on the future and consider the possibility of growing your enterprise, then you do not need to change the existing AMR for more powerful ones that can carry large loads.

Also, it is worth remembering that the larger the work area, the more AMR you will need. And here the main factor is also the correct understanding and calculation of the required bandwidth. This is the main factor in the success of this technique. For a huge room, large machines may be needed, but if the work involves versatility and frequent movement to distant areas, it would be quite logical to purchase several AMRs. This will help save time and optimize all processes.

3. Productivity, time spent, and speed of task completion

Lead time is the time during which the robot can operate on a single charge. Uptime is the time the robot can operate, taking into account the time the robot can operate on a single charge plus the charging time. Here it is also worthwhile to set the time that will be spent on a full charge of the battery. All these factors will indicate the productivity of AMR, you can calculate the time spent on the implementation of a process. All this is necessary for a more accurate calculation of the required bandwidth.

To successfully work in a small room, you can work with only a few robots to transport goods over short distances without disrupting the workflow. But if the work involves the movement of autonomous machines over long distances, then less AMR is required but more durable. Of course, when performing more complex processes, it will be necessary to take into account the time to charge the battery.

4. Stability in an active workflow

Referring to the developed logistic map of America, it should be expected that within ten years, in the logistics area for loading operations, workers will work using robotics as their assistants. People and robots will be able to work on the same process together, without interfering with each other at all.

AMRs are as safe as possible for this purpose and do not pose any threat to human life. Indeed, to carry out such work, they will be equipped with special sensors and measuring instruments that will help them in identifying the objects and workers around them. Already, all automated assistants can recognize human limbs, shelves, and racks at a level of 20-30 cm from the floor. They can distinguish people from objects. But for more accurate detailing of the environment, the AMR must have sidetracking sensors or corresponding lasers. It will prevent them from colliding with pieces of furniture or protruding objects.

5. Realization of simultaneous work

One of the main advantages of working with robotic machines is the possibility of total robotization of the entire production, which will significantly speed up the work process and improve performance. For this, it is worth seriously thinking about creating a vehicle fleet for automated robots with a control and monitoring system. This technology will be able to control the work of AMR, distribute a uniform load on them, and so on. This system will help the company calculate the number of robots needed to complete a task, allowing you to fit within your budget and not spend extra money.

An application that manages a fleet of vehicles must be able to cope with traffic jams, lack of cars, and also skillfully manage workplaces. An efficient system can control all the tasks that need to be performed and distribute the robots in a way that saves time and food supplies. Such a system can greatly facilitate the work of your subordinates and improve the process of completing tasks.

Ideally, the system will be able to reconcile a plan for the future and develop schemes for the future. It will have to determine when the necessary robot will be free and which one will soon go to recharge. It will help to avoid downtime and speed up the process of completing tasks.


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