From a practical point of view, it is possible to distinguish three basic directions in the promotion of services: the formation of tangible representation of service (registration of credit cards), combining intangible service with a real object (work of insurance companies and organizations), establishing communication with the seller of service and its consumer. In services, close producer-consumer relations increase the role of interpersonal relationships. Employees of a service firm should be trained to interact with consumers when selling and providing a service, processing payment, and delivering.

Services marketing is an activity aimed at satisfying consumer needs and generating revenue for the firm, creating demand for intangible-type goods. It is possible to distinguish several significant differences between the marketing of goods and marketing of services and nonprofit activities. In addition, there are some differences between service marketing and nonprofit marketing.

The way your business or product is marketed can have a significant impact on the success of your marketing campaign. The choice between the two most popular marketing solutions is driven by the type of business and products you sell and the type of customers you intend to attract. Transactional marketing aims to secure a one-time sale from a large number of customers. In contrast, "relationship marketing" encourages repeat purchases from specific customers.

The advertising industry has moved very quickly to new technologies as new technologies offer new ways to attract new audiences. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can create artificial worlds. Augmented reality allows you to see things you could only imagine. Whether the user wants to take a trip to the age of dinosaurs or fly to their new kitchen: with VR and AR, it's always possible.

Content is a prerequisite for a successful business. Blog posts are one option for content. More than a dozen types of content, such as emails, videos, social media posts, podcasts, infographics, and other visual material, can be used to increase brand awareness. But without content operations, such material likely doesn't involve production, publication, or posting. And what good is a blog post if no one reads it?

Today, video content is one of the most powerful marketing strategies. Thanks to video advertising, almost all social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others have revolutionized the concept of marketing. Statistics show that 82% of all Twitter users watch video content. When you use Video as part of your marketing strategy, you will increase your conversion rate. Videos with colorful graphics and animations appeal to people. In addition, a video will get a lot more views if it has what people need.